Affirmations and Covenants

Liturgies for the Ordering of the of Church 

1. Commissioning of Church Council
(developed for Eastwood Uniting Church in 2022)

Creating Covenant Community

1. Call to Leaders regarding Refugees
(Adopted by the South Australian Presbytery and Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia, October 2016)

2. Affirmation of Community
Covenant for Affirmed Membership in a community with a Common Vision.
This may be said by the whole community as an act of Covenanting with one another before God.

3. Affirmation of Situated Community
Covenant for Affirmed Membership in a particular place

4. Welcoming New Members

5. A Congregational Covenant - invocation

6. A Congregational Covenant - confession

7. Covenant of a Faith Community – I

8. Covenant of a Faith Community – II

9. Trinity Affirmation of Community

10. Household Covenant

11. Learning Community Covenant

12. A Homegroup Covenant

13. Covenant Blessing
While this blessing has been used in the blessing of couples, it is also suitable for the blessing of blended families and congregations coming together. It is particularly appropriate when the preaching makes references to the Covenants found in scripture, as models for our life aspirations.

14. Covenant Prayer


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