Commissioning of Church Council [our Mission Team Leaders]

Commissioning of Church Council [our Mission Team Leaders]

Many gifts come from the One Spirit.
Many people serve in the mission of the One God.
All have gifts and responsibilities to serve.
In the One Body of Christ, we share.
In the Uniting Church, we are all called to use our gifts for God, 
in the World and in the Church. Praying for God’s wisdom, 
we will commission our new leaders.
The church council shall give priority 
to building up the congregation in faith and love, 
sustaining members in hope, 
and leading the congregation to a fuller participation 
in Christ’s mission in the world. 

They are called to offer spiritual oversight, 
pastoral care, teaching, encouraging mission, 
and assisting the minister in worship and the ministry of sacraments.

Leaders are called to publicly reaffirm the faith 
as they live into their baptism 
and we are called to encourage them:
The Leaders [new and old]
We believe in God and seek to be God’s people.
We believe that God created and continues to create.
We confess Jesus Christ, died and risen
and we seek Christ’s blessings so that we may bless others.
We will seek to be generous and hospitable in our sharing.
We believe God created the First Peoples of this place
– revealing Sacred story to them through this Land.
We seek to learn with them and share the grace and love
made possible by the Spirit of God in our lives.
We believe God is revealed in the diversity of God’s creation.
We seek to celebrate this diversity of language,
colour, gender, abilities and orientations.
Guided by the Uniting Church’s Basis of Union and the ………… Presbytery, we will work together at ……………….
for the renewal and reconciliation of all creation.


As members of …………. Uniting Church
we commit to support one another as pilgrim companions.

Our mission is …………….
[to witness to the gospel and spread the good news of Jesus Christ
in word and action.]

Our vision is …………….
[to engage and connect
with the diverse community in which we have been placed
through active discipleship.]

Our Values are to be …………….
[Visible, Inclusive, Relevant and Active.]

We Covenant together to uphold one another in love,
caring for one another in times of distress
and celebrating with joy the blessings of God.
Will you, the members of this congregation,
accept these brothers and sisters as church councillors?  
We will.
Will you encourage them in love and support them in their ministry,
serving with them the one Lord Jesus Christ?                   
We will.
God give you strength to fulfil these vows
and may the One God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer,
be glorified in all we do.  Amen.
Gracious God, we thank you for leaders who serve and care.
We thank you that you have called these leaders to serve you.
May they have the same mind 
which was in Christ Jesus
and be faithful disciples, 
giving example to Christ’s congregation
and witnessing to the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Amen.

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