Dispersed Community - Prayers, Psalms and Reflections

This collection focuses on prayers that may be useful for a period of fear, anxiety, boredom and grief.

Prayer for Malawi - In March 2023, Malawi was hit by the devastating cyclone, Freddy.

The Liturgy of Empty Hands (with Easter readings)

The Examen
An encouragement to undertake daily prayer and self-care.

Previously written out of personal grief, this poem/reflection reflects the aftermath and reality of being left alone.

Beyond Breath 
After seeing someone else breathe their last, it is a task to keep breathing. Sobs catch you unawares and unprepared.

Health Workers
For the workers who are caring for a loved on.

Prayer from a distance and separation
The prayer here is suitable for when there is distance or isolation or separation.

Prayer for Distant Farewells
A prayer for a farewell when people cannot be physically present to one another.

Prayer for a relative in Aged Care
Especially for when we can’t see them face to face.

Prayer for Waiting for a Covid Test
For the anxious waiting time...

For someone going for a test...

Prayer for Isolation
This prayer is written from the perspective of someone on their own, but could also apply for an isolated group.

Prayer for Quarantine
This could be prayed over 14 days of quarantining.

Keeping Vigil during Covid19
Saturday Night Prayer Vigil - opening prayers...

Prayers suitable for Children

Prayer for grandma
This is what I hope my grandsons will pray.

Fone responsive prayer
This starts with an opening prayer, but I will add a collection for phone care.

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