Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Prayer in a Waiting Room (or outdoor queue)

As I put my mask on...

Lord, keep me mindful of the safety of others.

As I journey to the testing centre...

Lord, may I be purposeful and calm

As I use the hand sanitiser...

may I trust in the testing and healing hands of others.

As I fill in the forms on arrival...

May I appreciate my connectedness and relationships with others and the capacity to communicate.

As I wait for me number to be called....

Lord, bless those who sit around me, ease their hearts and minds and may they be well, in all manner of things.

As I enter the testing space...

May I be still and helpful to the one who will care for me.

As I am tested...

Lord, I pray for this brave person, testing possible cases every day... keep him/her safe and full of peace and wisdom.

As I depart...

Lord, I give thanks for the possibility of being tested and having access to treatment and support.

Bless testing centres and people who work in them.

Bless those who are presenting.

God watch over us.


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