Kneeling on lands far apart, we offer our prayers:
God of all times and places,
from the grounding of where we are,
we become conscious of eternal life and the promise of Heaven.
It is so hard tp be apart.
We long for touch and comfort.
We long to be able to connect as we have in the past.
We grieve the present that is also not present.
In faith, then, we ask to be held together by Your Spirit, O God.
Hold our souls within You.
Bless the love and longing we have for one another.
How do we saw farewell?
God bless us in our parting and promise us a heavenly reunion.
How do we give thanks for the treasures of our loving?
God bless our memories and nourish the future.
How do we say sorry for the regrets that remain?
God forgive us and help us to give and receive forgiveness.
How do we hold our hearts?
God, you see and hear and know the depths within. Hold and heal us.
We name and know our belonging to one another and our belonging to you.
God bless us in our departing.
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