Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Evocation #9 Absent Joy

I have known joy.
She asked for my advice and became my friend.
She invited me to dinner and visited often.
I walked her dog and viewed her pictures.
I learnt to paint her home.

Joy blessed our life with conversation,
Family meals and Bike rides.
Joy took us to long days at test matches
and walks in garden and national parks.
Joy sang and played games,
poured wine, planted herbs,
rode in golf buggies, jumped onto train,
wandered markets, filled baskets,
cooked with friends, ate together
to redefine family... a family of joy.

Today, I can see the joy...
It appears in the company of many,
in the messages and Christmas presence.
Joy is remembered and promised.
It hides and plays peek-a-boo...
now you see me, now you don’t.
Joy is housed in Heaven and becomes incarnate
in the love surrounding.

I do not wish you a happy holiday,
(such a superficial and empty threat!)
Instead, I wish you deep joy -
the joy of love remembered and promised.
May you know the joy or a love so deep
your breath catches and your eyes leak at the memory.
This is the joy where life and death intersect.
May you be blest with a joy that carries you into eternity.

(C) 2019, A.Koh-Butler

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