Friday, 1 December 2023

Praying for Peace - Advent 2023

Schools in Myanmar are closed. 

Faithful disciples tend to children, teaching language and numbers from life experience.

Peace be upon those who are carers in places and times of distress.

Mobs attack the vulnerable in Manipur.

The conscience of individuals falls to the press of the many.

Peace be upon those who suffer and those who accompany them.

Bitter cold companions the bitterness of broken communities in Ukraine and Russia.

People are forced from their homes, either as refugees or unwilling warriors.

Peace be upon those in the midst of warzones and those who have left them.

The birthplace of the Palestinian Messianic Jew is as unholy as ever.

The land and her people are daily crucified.

Peace be to those who birth HOPE in the midst of unwelcome rubble.

In these days of tears, we long for your coming - Bring peace, O God!

Come! Come! Emmanuel - be with us!


  1. Blessings to all who hope for peace

  2. Amen! May the peace of Emmanuel reign in all our hearts. Happy Advent season to you!


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