Sunday 1 September 2024

Prayer near the end

Prayer for a friend and her sister…. 

In the in between, o God,

May our forever ties stay strong. 

In the companioning, may we bathe in love. 

Bless our moments and grant that sleep is calm and breaths are comforting. 

Send your angels to tend to our spirits, pave the way for peace, and share our tears and laughter. 

Grant moments of lightness and promise. 

We pray in the name of the one who knew both tears and life beyond life. 


Saturday 17 August 2024

On the move

Move our feet to join the path

Teach us steps to share the dance

Fear has partnered our past moves

Yet our lives are filled with loves

Love of partner and of friend

Sacred loves that never end

Love sustains and fills the heart

With courage so we play our part.

Move our voice to sing your song

Raise our arms to hold the throng

Guide our words in singing truth

May the depths of good take root

Respect first peoples and terrains

May grace fill our joint refrains

May Christ’s heart become our choice

As confession finds its voice.

Ideas emerge and some confuse

Preachers argue or amuse

Help us leave the powered place

Seek instead the need for grace

Find our home in cells and camps

Offer silence, light a lamp 

Live with questions without answer

Witness lame become the dancer.

Faith in Christ opens the shutter

Shares resources, slows the clutter

Without God, nothing matters

For nothing is all that’s left

Without God, all hope shatters

Hearts are broken, souls bereft

Find belonging without merit

Measure instead Spirit-credit

Depart oppressive moralism

Find a spiritual optimism

Seek the God who recognizes

Receive the gifts that blessing prizes

Turn-resist perfectionism

Longing prompts aestheticism

Reject abusive spiritual grooming

Rather integrate life’s blooming 

Challenge fixtures, find the place

For conversation - people space

Guiding lights illuminate

Pray and read of love and hate

Do not shy away from sorrow

Hope comes with dawning of the morrow

Service of all kinds has need

Action sits alongside creed.

Monday 8 April 2024

The Church's One Foundation - contemporary reworking of Samuel John Stone's hymn text

The Church's one foundation

Is Jesus Christ our God;

Become God’s new creation

By water and the Word.

God, give to us your vision

of healing from all strife

God, send us on your mission

To witness transformed life.


Now called from every nation,

As one throughout all the earth,

Our task is shared salvation,

One God, one faith, one birth;

One holy Name in blessing,

Share in one holy food,

And to one hope we’re pressing,

The mission of God’s good.


‘Mid scenes of war and dying

and climate’s groaning loud,

we pray to Spirit, crying

for life beyond the shroud;

As Church we rise to nourish,

communities to bless.

We long for heav’n to flourish.

We long for peace and rest.


Here, in this place, find union

With God, the Three-in-One,

Come, enter this communion

with those whose rest is won.

We seek the coming Kin-dom,

for justice to increase,

so all will live in freedom,

and all will know God’s peace.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Easter acknowledgement


Co-developed with Rev Ellie Elia



Earth and stars, waters and breeze

In this place, the place of the Dharug and Gundungurra peoples, we celebrate the connection between 

embodied life and spiritual fulfilment. 

As Easter people, we look upon the hills and valleys,

we see the love poured out upon this Land

by those who have cared for this place

since time beyond measure. 

As Easter people we honour the story 

of life, death and resurrection of the first peoples 

who long to honour the stories of dreaming. 

We bring ourselves respectfully to the traditional peoples of this land, praying in wonder and hope, 

that restoration and resurrection 

will become the reality of heaven in this place.

May Christ’s way of reconciliation and peace

show us how to walk gently upon this land

and with one another.

Saturday 23 March 2024

Sending Blessing of the Children of God

Go with fullness

Go with comfort

Live with richness in God’s land.

Go with justice

Go with mercy

See your God, so close at hand.


Child, with Christ, 

go work for peace.

In the struggle, 

do not cease.

Be blessed, made holy,

Sent by One – 

Creator, Spirit 

and the Son.


In you, 

may God’s blessing come.

With you, 

may God’s blessing come.

Through you, 

may God’s blessing come. 

Amen! Amen! Amen!


The above text is based on a reading of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5)

“Blessed are those who are poor in spirit:

the kin-dom of heaven is theirs. 4 Blessed are those who are mourning:

they will be consoled. 5 Blessed are those who are gentle:

they will inherit the land. 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice:

they will have their fill. 7 Blessed are those who show mercy to others:

they will be shown mercy. 8 Blessed are those whose hearts are clean:

they will see God. 9 Blessed are those who work for peace:

they will be called children of God. 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted

because of their struggle for justice:

the kindom of heaven is theirs. 11

Monday 18 March 2024



Whose war takes my children from me?

Whose profit is paid for by lost generations?

Whose brutality leaves only a decaying vigil?


The days and nights between death and burial are long.

Yet, grief knows no measure.

The cells that knitted together inside my womb

Now disintegrate on our shared cloth of tears.

But, do not cry, my sons,

For my tears must be enough for you

Although they will never satisfy me.

I will carry your memory until I am forgotten


Prayer  –

We pray for those who grieve violence

For those who hold dead children in their arms

And for those who never receive remains

For those who search among the fallen

And those whose escape means never knowing

May those who grieve by comforted


We pray for those who perpetrate violence

For those who are are conscripted to wars

And for those who seek survival

For those who no longer remember tenderness of heart

And those who see monsters in the mirror

May those who wield swords choose plowshares




formed of lies and deceptions:

Call us your children.

Cries for justice paint targets on our communities:


We pray:

For the persecutors, who reinforce privilege by dehumanizing those God loves

For the rich, who profit from labour practices that keep poor those God loves

For the powerful, whose identity is defined by superiority rather than humility

Have mercy, O God, restore dignity, worth, and humanity.


Friday 1 December 2023

Praying for Peace - Advent 2023

Schools in Myanmar are closed. 

Faithful disciples tend to children, teaching language and numbers from life experience.

Peace be upon those who are carers in places and times of distress.

Mobs attack the vulnerable in Manipur.

The conscience of individuals falls to the press of the many.

Peace be upon those who suffer and those who accompany them.

Bitter cold companions the bitterness of broken communities in Ukraine and Russia.

People are forced from their homes, either as refugees or unwilling warriors.

Peace be upon those in the midst of warzones and those who have left them.

The birthplace of the Palestinian Messianic Jew is as unholy as ever.

The land and her people are daily crucified.

Peace be to those who birth HOPE in the midst of unwelcome rubble.

In these days of tears, we long for your coming - Bring peace, O God!

Come! Come! Emmanuel - be with us!