Thursday, 19 December 2024

Looking back on 2024

As I look back on 2024, I am amazed at how you can feel so young and so old at the same time! Partly, I just feel like I have so much to learn and wonder how I can ever acquire the knowledge I need to undertake the tasks I have to perform. Partly, I feel the complexity of life, with new apps, new AI influences, new politics, new values... of course, many of these are not that new, but they feel new to me.

I miss my family heaps. It is no surprise, as I dont see them often and they live full lives too. I was glad to spend some time with Janai early in the year (and she popped in for a meal on her way through to Penang) and Emryn and Kathryn came to Singapore for a visit. I met up with Ann and Chris Perrin for a few days in Sweden and Denmark and saw a number of UCA peeps at the world Methodist Council Conference in Sweden. I am very much looking forward to seeing the two grandsons (14+16) who are due to come just after Christmas. I get to show them Singapore!

The year was full and rich. It was a Council for World Mission Assembly year, which was held in Durban (Sth Africa) in June. This meant lots of prep, as I was the Worship Coordinator and general troubleshooter... all of that in addition to my regular gig of being the Education-Formation-Empowerment AND Pacific Mission Secretary. The Pacific Pre-Assembly involved Member Churches and Observers from 12 Church Denominations and working with excellent colleagues and resource people. The Assembly itself was a major production, involving choirs, liturgists, writers, preachers, leaders, dramas, instrumentalists and many more... it was both exhausting and exhilarating at times. All the multi and intercultural experience of years in the Uniting Church proved to be a great preparation and it was lovely to catch up with a few UCA friends there too (Monica, Sef and Cliff).

I was glad to have a chapter published in Filipe Maias "Decolonizing Wesleyan Theology" along with my friend Lilian Siwila (Wipf and Stock, 2024) and some other articles and some contributions to devotionals, such as With Love to the World (thanks John) and contributing to the World Communion of Reformed Churches Theology working Paper.... just trying to keep a bit of beyond-work writing going, although it is usually done while taking long-haul flights! These bits and pieces keep me interested in global ecumenism and mission on the days when work is tough and the demands feel draining. Much of the work with CWM is rewarding, so I cant complain, but it does require long hours and being away from most of my support crew.

My main lifeline to Oz is regular facecalls with Ann, messaginf some friends and family, but I have taken to watching or listening to ABC (Aust) news online on Youtube most mornings when I am in Singapore. It is amazing how much more grounded I feel having that little injection of Oz. When I need update news from the Pacific I add it a good dose of SBS to supplement... handy if there is a crisis, political unrest, earthquake or cyclone.

Some highlights from 2024 included cooridinating the TIM (Training in Mission) programme and  facilitating the "A New Face" programme. The latter involved 12 Ordained women doing a Faith and Culture Encounter in the UK for 3 weeks, including 2 weeks in Welsh-speaking Wales. This was a very special group of people and I am sure we will continue to "make waves" as womanist missionaries. A lowlight was getting food poisoning in Jamaica, but I was cared for in my recovery by the lovely Nan and Huw from Wales. I particularly enjoyed borrowing their grandchildren for cuddles! 

TIM is a longer-term programme and I am in awe of the courage of young people in adventuring into the unknown for 6 months of challenges and learnings. As with the 2023 group, the 2024 group undertook learning and life in two different regions, this time in the Philippines and Jamaica. The time in both countries was really valuable, but the logistics of trying to get from one to the other can be a bit nightmarish, especially if you come from certain countries. Three of the young men had to take very complicated routes because it can be very difficult for them to get visas, even for transit. I enjoyed getting to know a bit more of the Philippines and was glad to have added a long weekend there for myself, so I was able to feed my ethnographic curiosity with museum visits and cultural observations!

2024 has also given me the opportunity to get more engaged with both the Legacies of Slavery movement and involvement with strategies and projects to combat modern-day slavery. There are intersections with both of these with decolonizing and resisting Empire. It makes me look at global politics with a keen awareness of the consequences of particular economic policies and the need for deeper critiquing.

Quite a number of people have visited Singapore this year, so I occasionally get to be tour guide. Let me know if you are coming through. 

In 2025, I will be in Samoa and then Zimbabwe (with overnights in Australia to hug family), Hong Kong (for my 60th) and in Cook Islands and Vanuatu in March. There are planned visits to the Philippines, Korea, South Africa, Zambia and Jamaica.... with more to come! 

May God be present for you in the retelling of the stories this Christmas and throughout 2025
and may those who hear your sharings experience good news!


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