Some years ago, I came across the Wild Goose Adaptations of Christmas Carols. Once I heard and sang their lyrics, full of social justice connected to traditional spiritual expression, my attitude to Christmas changed. I became less sentimental and more urgent about the Gospel message. This adaptation of John Bell's version of 'God rest you merry gentlemen' has come many years later, as I see the opportunity to connect the timeless story of the birth of the Saviour with the present needs of the world in 2024...
God bless us and disturb us as we celebrate the feastwhen he who ranked the highest come to earth to be the least.Lest we consign to Satan’s powerthose who still have no peaceO come, Christ the Saviour from below, from aboveand infect the depths of earth with heavenly love!When Palestinian people long for place to sleep at nightWill refugees be welcome and supported in their plight?Where war-machines refrain from taking fundsto build their might:O come, Christ the Saviour from below, from aboveand infect the depths of earth with heaven’y love!While traffickers of people steal their innocents for gain,When civil wars and revolutions come with untold pain,Where hope lies in a drink, a shotand life runs down the drainO come, Christ the Saviour from below, from aboveand infect the depths of earth with heaven’y love!In Bethlehem, Johannesburg, London and Singaporethe star is needed now as much as ever from beforeWe celebrate Emmanuel – God come, fulfill the LawO come, Christ the Saviour from below, from aboveand infect the depths of earth with heaven’y love!
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