Saturday 15 April 2017

Mary, Wife of Cleopas - Part 2

Mary, Wife of Cleopas (of Emmaus)

Part 2

Where is home
when there is no longer heart?
How shall we return
to try to live as if anything could be the same?
Our hearts are destitute with broken shards…
Sorrow upon sorrow,
Grief upon grief,
Tears upon tears…
What is left?

Where will this road take us?
Will Emmaus still be the Lord’s,
when Rome has stamped itself
upon our most sacred of stories
and our rites and rituals?
Our hearts drift
between frustration and anger…
Where is our help
when we long to strike back?
Blow after blow,
kick after kick,
Strike after strike…
Where is hope?

Who is this stranger?
He knows so little of the last days.
Then he reframed our story.
He went back – teaching,
explaining slowly,
so we could follow.
Our hearts burned
with wonder and delight
to find a rabbi whose message
was full and rich and life-giving…
Here was good news!
Insight upon insight,
Hope upon hope,
Joy upon Joy…
Give us more?

What more can you tell us?
Sup with us, please.
Gift us with your presence.
We would have more of this good news.
Our hearts sang with delight
when he accepted our hospitality.
Then we arrived in Emmaus
and I prepared the meal.
We asked him for a blessing
and then we realized
the hospitality was his…
Bread of His Body,
Cup of His Covenant,
Life from His Death…
Eternity revealed.

(Luke 24:13-35)

© 2017, A.Koh-Butler

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