Friday 17 January 2020

Evocation #28 Of all the gin joints

The locksmith has been and gone
as I wonder at the risks of vulnerability.
How much more damage is possible?
Who takes advantage of a tender moment?
In reality, I recall, it is in the vulnerability of humanness
we are most likely to suffer attack and theft of dignity and respect.

I ponder the hurt and vulnerable eyes -
your eyes, not your eyes,
eyes that came from you and seek you still.
I pour a G&T and we take some solace
in sharing the vulnerability you have left us with.

We prepare ourselves for the coming onslaught
of genuine grace and gifts of compassion,
yet vulnerability causes us to pause, take stock
and regard each other’s visage,
willing one another to take strength in the pause,
not to dismiss of diminish the vulnerability,
but simply to wear it well,
adorn it with the brooch of knowing..
Truth is always vulnerable and strong
and sometimes it requires a little pause
in a gin joint.

(C) A A Koh-Butler, 2020

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