Monday 27 January 2020

Evocation #44 Holy Days

Public or otherwise
Once were the opportunity
To celebrate life with you
Is a day to wrap Christmases and birthdays past
into bags and place in bins
may someone enjoy the fruits of thoughtful gifts
and laughing shopping expeditions
Sometimes through markets in far-off lands
Connected to the interactions with stall holders
All with stories to share with you
How on earth did you manage to engage people
in such a direct and immediate way?
I continue to be astounded by you.
I wonder at a world continuing to spin
when your energy is now working invisibly...
The God-Spirit?
You had it in spades!
Bursting out of the twinkle
in your laser-glance and wrinkly smile.
Was every day a holy day for you?
Perhaps we should call it prayer?
For it was not in the words,
but in the abiding of your Spirit in Life itself.
You abided in Life and Life abided in you.
So, how shall I celebrate Life with you this day?
Can this become a Holy Day?
It doesn’t feel like it. Yet,
I sense you would want me to think of it as such.
So, Faith calls me to act as if we are celebrating Life, you and I,
In the hope that death is not the end.

Happy Holy Day.
Have a break and cast out
some of the signs of this world
to make space for

(C) A A Koh-Butler, 2020

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