Monday, 10 February 2020

Evocation #54 Changing His Story

Changing His Story

He wore his masculinity so well.
Sexy! He stood as a fine figure – an athlete, a dancer.
His charismatic attraction always making heads turn, 
with admiration or surprise at such vibrancy passing by.

Salesmen rubbed hands with delight 
as a perfect fit walked into menswear…
Off the rack, modeled as tailored, whenever 
he flung back the curtain of a change room.

I wore him with pride on my arm, 
instantly made more attractive by his glow.
We exuded the delight of lovers, 
showing our devotion and experience of beauty 
to anyone who bothered to glance in our direction.

He taught me not to be afraid 
of my identity as a woman in the world.
He taught me to enjoy being loved 
both in public and in private.
Affection did not need to be hyper-sexualized 
or treated as dirty or disgusting. 
Rather, he taught me to enjoy being a daughter of God 
and the queen of his heart.  

As his wife, I ceased to be a girl and became a woman, 
not because of what we did in the bedroom, 
but because I experienced 
the deep respect and encouragement of a generous husband.
He raised me to a higher identity than I had experienced before.
He did not measure my value by what I offered him, 
but showed me he was devoted 
to being my strongest cheerleader.
He took on the responsibility of dedicating himself 
to helping name to be the best I could be.
He blest me.

What could I offer this man who gave me so much?
He was a servant to so many 
and one who stirred many pots.
If I could influence one thing 
I would say his story continues 
in whether or not those who knew him
seek the breadth of life or whether they settle for less. 
Less is death, he would say. 
Life is the opportunity to expand horizons, 
so keep adding to and changing his story. 

© A A Koh-Butler, 2020

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