Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Evocation #57 Condolence

Condolences offered and received,
daily greetings of compassion and courtesy.
How does one respond?
How should I respond?
I appreciate the care and concern of people who are colleagues and acquaintances,
people who did not know him well,
yet are considerate enough to notice and acknowledge.
I do not want to burden them with my strange reality
of half-life and monochrome worldview.
It is not that I do not appreciate creation around me,
I simply observe it with less life, in death.
For now my life carries death as a constant companion.
I am not morbid,
for I walk around and laugh and dance and sing,
but death remains.
I am in a relationship with consolation,
enjoying the benefits of understanding and generosity.
So, I am grateful for condolences.

One day, soon perhaps,
I may even be brave enough to read the cards.

(C) A A Koh-Butler, 2020

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