Friday 10 January 2020

Fire Season - Water

Ever sacred droplets of water,
reminder of repentance,
of tears of grief,
of sweat-stained faces,
of hosing down the roof,
of dampening the kerchief
to ward off smoke.

Precious Life
taken for granted
in a parched society.
Machines hijack so much water,
we often hear what we cannot see.
Can you remember using an umbrella?
Or donning a raincoat?
Or wearing gum boots?

We thank God for people who lift the weight of hoses.
We thank God for people who skipper boats of refuge and rescue.
We thank God for people who poor the only possession that matters into a borrowed glass.
We thank God for the arrival of a tanker
Of water.

As the Spirit once hovered over the waters at the dawn of creation,
we ask the Spirit to come:
Come and renew the face of the earth.

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